| From the Editor's Desk
How Companies Can Improve Employee Engagement Right Now A year and a half into the pandemic, employees’ mental “surge capacity” is likely diminished. Managers must take proactive steps to increase employee engagement, or risk losing their workforce. Engaged employees perform better, experience less burnout, and stay in organizations longer. The authors created this Employee Engagement Checklist: a distilled, research-based resource that practitioners can execute on during this critical period of renewed uncertainty. Use this checklist to boost employee engagement by helping them connect what they do to what they care about, making the work itself less stressful and more enjoyable, and rewarding them with additional time off, in addition to financial incentives.
As the world stumbles toward a Covid-19 recovery, experts warn of a surge of voluntary employee departures, dubbed the “Great Resignation.” For instance, one study estimates that 55% of people in the workforce in August 2021 intend to look for a new job in the next 12 months. To counteract the incoming wave of employee turnover, organizations — more than ever — need to focus on cultivating employee engagement.
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WorkHow America’s hotbed of progressive economics borrowed from Milton Friedman to pressure the ultrawealthy on climate change  © 2023 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information | Ad Choices FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. WorkA Bumpy Ride for San Francisco’s Driverless Taxis  “Each one of these pioneers has uniquely impacted California through their boundless creativity, perseverance and courage — encapsulating the California dream through their lives and legacies,” Siebel Newsom said in a statement. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkSerena Williams gives birth to second child  Williams retired from professional tennis after the US Open in September 2022. In an essay in Vogue announcing her decision to \"evolve away\" from the game, she said that she intended to grow her family after her tennis career. Work
WorkDeSantis’s Disney district board launched a new attack on the company  Holding both jobs has turned out not only to be a conflict of interest, but also illegal. According to a memo (pdf) published by the commission’s legal counsel on Aug. 17, state law forbids public employees from sitting on the board. Gilzean will have to choose between the two. Given the $400,000 salary he makes in the Disney district role, it may not prove a difficult choice. WorkJPMorgan executive explains why decarbonization is a 'megatrend' that business can't ignore  \"We have to deploy capital across all likely solutions, knowing that some may not really work as promised and the use cases may not quite be what we think they could be today. But others might surprise. And some might kick into action sooner, some might just take longer to kick into action. So you need to diversify in terms of technologies, but also in time horizons,\" Variankaval told CNBC. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkMedieval Times Broke The Law As It Tried To Crush A Worker Revolt: Feds  Monday’s complaint is not the first time that labor board prosecutors have accused Medieval Times of illegal union-busting. In May, the general counsel filed a complaint against the company in California saying management there tried to get workers to withdraw their support for the union, which would be illegal. WorkCovid is here to stay—as a risk factor in regulatory filings  “Even after the coronavirus outbreak has subsided, we may continue to experience materially adverse impacts to our business as a result of its global economic impact, including any recession that has occurred or may occur in the future,” Crown wrote in its prospectus. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkEven millionaires are feeling financially insecure, report finds  When it comes to their salary, Americans said they would need to earn $233,000 on average to feel financially secure, according to a separate Bankrate survey. But to feel rich, they would need to earn nearly half a million a year, or $483,000, on average. WorkWorkThe Met Announces Harlem Renaissance Exhibition for 2024  “We want to show the full breadth of thinking,” Murrell said. “In terms of historical context, this is the first time in art history where we have a cohort of African American artists depicting modern Black life in a modern way. These artists decided to commit their artistic careers to representing modern Black life in the absence of institutional or market support.” WorkUkraine’s Forces and Firepower Are Misallocated, U.S. Officials Say  Helene Cooper is a Pentagon correspondent. She was previously an editor, diplomatic correspondent and White House correspondent, and was part of the team awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting, for its coverage of the Ebola epidemic. More about Helene Cooper WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkCompanies are trying a new kind of family leave—for grandparents  Shields is sold on SentinelOne’s formal policy. It made her confident approaching her manager and HR with the last-minute request. “Grandparent leave is probably the best thing I’ve ever seen any company ever give us,” she says. “Not losing the money and then having the flexibility of taking grandparent leave and then coupling it with vacation, it worked out really well.” WorkThe experience-hungry American consumer is already crashing the economy into a 'rolling recession,' Oxford Economics says  © 2023 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information | Ad Choices FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. WorkWorkWall Street is declaring victory too early — the US is still headed for a recession  Based on the current strength of the market, a recent summer swoon notwithstanding, most investors assume that the optimists are right: Inflation is going to stay low, the labor market will hold up, and the effects of the interest-rate hikes are in the rearview mirror. But when markets get complacent, Kantrowitz said, \"historically, people have gotten in trouble every single time.\" WorkWorkWorkA Saudi Rolex Sold in a U.S. Mall Could Get Bolsonaro Arrested  Jack Nicas is the Brazil bureau chief, covering Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. He previously reported on technology from San Francisco and, before joining The Times in 2018, spent seven years at The Wall Street Journal. More about Jack Nicas WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkIBM selling The Weather Channel and the rest of its weather business  One of those bets is Watsonx, the enterprise AI development tool IBM announced in May that\'s slated to debut in the third quarter. The company\'s goal is to take the lead in user-friendly AI development for businesses, in part because of the massive demand for, and shortage of, human talent in the AI field. The platform includes a feature for AI-generated code, an AI governance toolkit, and a library of thousands of large-scale AI models, trained on language, geospatial data, IT events and The Weather Company\'s weather data, which IBM will continue to use. WorkWorkBlack children are 11 times more likely to die from guns than white children in the US  Researchers for the Springer Nature study estimate that about 30 million American children live in households with guns, a known risk factor for pediatric firearm injury. In recent years, pediatric firearm deaths from all intents have increased, with homicides accounting for most—unlike adult gun fatalities, where suicide is the main driver. WorkSliman Bensmaia, Who Enabled Prosthetic Limbs to Feel, Dies at 49  Clay Risen is an obituaries reporter for The Times. Previously, he was a senior editor on the Politics desk and a deputy op-ed editor on the Opinion desk. He is the author, most recently, of “American Rye: A Guide to the Nation’s Original Spirit.” More about Clay Risen WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkAt Texas Border, Some Support for Abbott’s Crackdown Is Waning  Edgar Sandoval is a reporter with the National desk, where he writes about South Texas people and places. Previously he was a newspaper reporter in Los Angeles, Pennsylvania and Florida. He is the author of “The New Face of Small Town America.” More about Edgar Sandoval WorkTo Trump, Foreign Business Is Scandalous, Unless It’s His Own  Peter Baker is the chief White House correspondent and has covered the last five presidents for The Times and The Washington Post. He is the author of seven books, most recently “The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021,” with Susan Glasser. More about Peter Baker WorkHow Mark Meadows Pursued a High-Wire Legal Strategy in Trump Inquiries  Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent and the author of “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” She was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on President Trump’s advisers and their connections to Russia. More about Maggie Haberman WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkUkraine’s Forces and Firepower Are Misallocated, U.S. Officials Say  Helene Cooper is a Pentagon correspondent. She was previously an editor, diplomatic correspondent and White House correspondent, and was part of the team awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting, for its coverage of the Ebola epidemic. More about Helene Cooper WorkWorkWorkA Bumpy Ride for San Francisco’s Driverless Taxis  “Each one of these pioneers has uniquely impacted California through their boundless creativity, perseverance and courage — encapsulating the California dream through their lives and legacies,” Siebel Newsom said in a statement. |