:extract_focal()/https%3A%2F%2Fthereader.mitpress.mit.edu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F09%2FElectrify-lead-1-700x420.jpg) | From the Editor's Desk
How to Fix Climate Change (A Sneaky Policy Guide) Climate change is a planetary emergency. We have to do something now â but what? Saul Griffith, an inventor and renewable electricity advocate (and a recipient of a MacArthur "genius" grant), has a plan. In his book "Electrify," Griffith lays out a detailed blueprint for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment. Griffith's plan can be summed up simply: Electrify everything. He explains exactly what it would take to transform our infrastructure, update our grid, and adapt our households to make this possible. Billionaires may contemplate escaping our worn-out planet on a private rocket ship to Mars, but the rest of us, Griffith says, will stay and fight for the future.
"I want readers to be able to understand the main arguments of this book without getting stuck in too many details," he writes in one of the book's appendices, excerpted below. "Here, I will try to offer you dinner party-ready talking points for the main questions that people will inevitably have for the main argument of the book. Each topic is worthy of a book in itself. If I dispose of a favorite baby of yours too quickly here, or you think I have it all ass-backward, then we should grab a beer sometime."âThe Editors
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WorkWork � |  | WorkWork7 Entrepreneurial Tactics These Big Companies Used to Dominate and How to Learn from Them There are companies throughout history that have broken all the boundaries of advertising and branding. Their tactics were out of this world. They analyzed their market and perfectly executed their message in direct and indirect ways. They changed the way their business operated if it didnt work and strived through economic problems. They are inspiring [] � |  | WorkWorkWhat to Do When an Employee is Underperforming There are things more satisfying for a business owner, manager, or entrepreneur than having a team of employees that work efficiently and harmoniously together. When every member of your team is meeting their goals, the business grows and makes your life easier. However, when a team has one of more underperforming employees, it can derail [] � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkFormer ZebPay CEO Avinash Shekhar Launches Web3 Startup TaxNodes Former ZebPay CEO Avinash Shekhar launches his own startup TaxNodes in the Crypto and Web3 spaceFormer ZebPay CEO Avinash Shekhar launches his own startup TaxNodes in the Crypto and Web3 space, , zebpay, Avinash Shekhar, Web3 Startup, Crypto sector, TaxNodes WorkWorkWorkHow liars create the illusion of truth Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding the "illusion of truth" effect can help you avoid falling victim to this trick. WorkWorkWorkWorkSpanish police detain Brazil's Dani Alves over sexual assault allegation BARCELONA :Dani Alves appeared before a judge in Barcelona on Friday over a sexual assault allegation after Spanish police detained and questioned the Brazil defender and the public prosecutor requested he be jailed on remand.A spokesperson for the local Mossos d'Esquadra force said officers had taken Alves, WorkWorkWorkPeru grapples with 'nationwide chaos' as protests spread Peru's capital, Lima, awoke on Friday to find one of the city's most historic buildings burnt to the ground after another night of anti-government protests that extended across the country, as the president vowed to get tougher on "vandals." WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkAllies Fail to Agree on Sending Tanks to Ukraine The lack of agreement was certain to disappoint many in Ukraine, including President Zelensky, who had appealed directly to the officials before the talks began. “Hundreds of thank-yous are not hundreds of tanks,” he said in a video address. “All of us can use thousands of words in discussions, but I cannot use words instead of guns.” WorkWorkWork4 questions to ask when evaluating AI prototypes for bias By asking challenging questions, AI teams can find new ways to improve their models and strive to prevent these scenarios from occurring. For instance, a close examination can help them determine whether they need to look at more data or if they will need a third party, such as a privacy expert, to review their product. WorkRishi Sunak fined for not wearing seatbelt during Lancashire visit Meanwhile, the announcement of the latest round of levelling up funds was marred by accusations by Andy Street, the Conservative mayor for the West Midlands, that the government was fostering a “begging bowl culture” among local authorities. A Guardian analysis also revealed that Tory seats had received considerably more money from the fund than other seats with similar deprivation levels. WorkBiden accused of hypocrisy as he seeks extradition of Julian Assange “If Julian Assange ends up in a maximum security prison in the United States for the rest of his life, every other journalist around the world will think, ‘Should I really report this information I’ve been given? Should I really speak out about this denial of human rights or miscarriage of justice in any country?’” he said. WorkWorkArea 120, Google's in-house incubator, severely impacted by Alphabet mass layoffs Area 120 underwent a reorg in 2021 that saw the group moved into a new Google Labs division led by Clay Bavor, where it lived alongside other forward-looking efforts at Google having to do with augmented reality, virtual reality and videoconferencing. Then came cuts. Last September, Google canceled half the projects at Area 120 and majorly reduced the program’s staffing. WorkWorkWorkArea 120, Google's in-house incubator, severely impacted by Alphabet mass layoffs Area 120 underwent a reorg in 2021 that saw the group moved into a new Google Labs division led by Clay Bavor, where it lived alongside other forward-looking efforts at Google having to do with augmented reality, virtual reality and videoconferencing. Then came cuts. Last September, Google canceled half the projects at Area 120 and majorly reduced the program’s staffing. WorkWorkThoma Bravo agrees to acquire digital forensics firm Magnet Forensics for over $1B For Thoma Bravo, which now has an estimated more than $114 billion in assets under management, Magnet Forensics is the latest in a series of high-profile software venture purchases. In 2022, the firm spent billions of dollars buying cybersecurity startups Ping Identity, Sailpoint, ForgeRock, Bottomline Technologies and Coupa Software. WorkWork4 investors discuss the next big wave for alternative seafood startups We have strong indications that FDA clearance is coming, and that will tick a big box for institutional and later-stage investors. Once this is behind us, it will be about who is in the market showing traction and producing a product at a price point that makes a compelling business case. WorkGoodOnes raises to help make sense of your mess of a camera roll “With the creation of mobile platforms, we ended up delivering powerful computers, digital cameras and streaming devices in everyone’s pocket – we could never have anticipated the volume of new content that would be created,” Rich Miner, who co-founded Android, and is an angel investor in GoodOnes’ round, said in a statement. “GoodOnes brings powerful curation to the deluge of photos we’ve all come to accumulate. I’m very excited about this tool & tech, which is why I was thrilled to invest.” WorkWhy international DFIs are looking to African startups to scale impact investing efforts Usually deploying capital from national or international development funds, DFIs back development and private-sector projects in less industrialized economies to promote job creation and sustainable economic growth. Keen to align with those missions, these organizations seek to back tech startups that can make an impact — for example, tech that grants and increases marginalized populations’ access to financial services, food and energy. |