| From the Editor's Desk
Job Insecurity Harms Both Employees and Employers Despite the well-documented negative effects of job insecurity on workers’ well-being, many employers continue to intentionally stoke fears of job loss among their workforce, under the assumption that this can motivate workers and reduce costs. But is this approach actually effective? The authors conducted a series of surveys with more than 600 American employees and found that while job insecure workers may indeed be motivated to try to improve their performance and adhere more closely to company policies, the stress, frustration, resentment, and exhaustion associated with this insecurity create a cognitive load that counteracts any positive effect on performance or rule-following. Job insecure workers are also more likely to focus on making their contributions visible rather than on actually doing valuable work, and some even hide information or intentionally sabotage their coworkers to make themselves look better in comparison. Worse yet, many of these behaviors spark vicious cycles that further reduce perceptions of job security. As such, the authors argue that fostering a sense of job insecurity isn’t just cruel — it’s often counterproductive.
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WorkWorkFederal money is now headed to states for building up fast EV chargers on highways Others have been built by independent charging providers, like Electrify America, EVgo, and ChargePoint. These companies frequently partner with gas stations, big box stores, and grocery stores where they install their chargers. And now, many of those companies will be contracting with state governments to realize their plans for highway charging networks. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkCuba entirely without power after Hurricane Ian Cuba's electrical grid collapsed late on Tuesday, leaving the entire country without power shortly after the passage of Hurricane Ian, which ravaged the western end of the island with violent winds and flooding.
WorkWork � |  | WorkCalendly, the $3B+ scheduling startup, acquires Prelude to drive into the recruitment sector “This acquisition presents a tremendous market opportunity with the amount of interactions and experiences modern companies have with their potential hires,” says Will Laufer, founder and CEO of Prelude, in a statement. “There’s a natural alignment here as our shared vision is to provide a comprehensive solution to recruiting teams with one integrated platform. Scheduling automation is really crucial to the success of any business team – and together, Calendly and Prelude will be the clear choice.” WorkSaudi king names crown prince MbS as prime minister Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz named his son and heir Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the kingdom's prime minister and his second son Prince Khalid as defence minister, a royal decree showed on Tuesday. � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkMeet the Most Dynamic Female Founders They're tackling everything from financial literacy and reproductive health access to wine and women's shoes. Collectively, their companies are estimated to be worth more than $22 billion. And they're here to show us how it's done. � |  | WorkWorkNetflixs new series about Spotify explores European tech unicorn culture Given the widespread interest in tech, Showtime, Hulu, and Apple TV+ have all delivered recent productions about formerly high-flying companies such as Uber, WeWork, and Theranos. In 2020, just before the pandemic, Peacock confirmed it was developing a series based on the book Hatching Twitter, by Nick Bilton. That show hasn’t been given a release date. But Spotify’s tale will be available on Netflix starting on Oct 13. � |  | WorkWorkSweden's PM says Nord Stream leaks seen as deliberate acts Sweden's prime minister said on Tuesday that two blasts had been detected in relation to the leaks of the Nord Stream pipelines with information suggesting likely sabotage, though this did not represent an act of war against Sweden. WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkFed official says the US can avoid a recession, but is 'nervous' about speed of rate hikes © 2022 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | Ad Choices FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. WorkWorkWorkWorkJanuary 6 committee postpones Wednesday hearing over hurricane as it happened The plan, published on Tuesday, also aims to cut diet-related diseases by increasing access to healthy food and exercise as new data shows that more than 35% of people in 19 states and two territories are obese - more the double the number of states in 2018 - while one in 10 Americans have diabetes. It includes proposals to reform food packaging and voluntary salt and sugar reduction targets for the food industry, as well as working to expand Medicaid and Medicare access to obesity counselling and nutrition. WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkIs Silicon Valley really losing its crown? In time, I do anticipate that a more global tech industry will dilute Silicon Valley’s former hegemony as the spawning point for what’s next, and it will become more figurehead than anything else. But has that happened? WorkWorkWorkWorkWhat can the 2000 dot-com crash teach us about the 2022 tech downturn? “At a time like this, trust is more important than ever,” said Barber, adding that she tells entrepreneurs to stay in close touch, “particularly around bad news.” Before problems arise and between regularly scheduled meetings, entrepreneurs should get comfortable with asking for help and advice. WorkWorkWorkPenpot inks $8M as signups for its open source spin on Figma jump 5600% after Adobe's $20B acquisition move “Open source is no longer an either/or but a yes/and. You can have delightful UX and full control over your software. You can have a robust platform with completely open standards that make it easier to collaborate with other stakeholders,” said Decibel partner Sudip Chakrabarti. “Penpot has been committed to that vision from the very beginning and is showing the industry how it’s done. We’re thrilled to support them and help them put their foot on the gas to accelerate this movement.” WorkWorkGlossGenius triples valuation, raises $25M to give beauty industry's tech stack a makeover Cohen-Shohet said the company has been “on a tear with product innovation” in the past few months, noting GlossGenius has launched a “no-show protection stack” to help owners reduce the number of appointment cancellations they’re seeing as well as a tap-to-pay embedded payments integration with Apple that allows employees to use cell phones as hardware to process transactions. WorkCake slices into new capital as it expands sexual wellness product placement “We operate on a recurring theme of putting sex back in arm’s reach,” Morris said. “Retail has been kind to us, and expansion has been faster than anticipated. As we get more clear on the Cake target audience, we are figuring out where they shop and going to those places. We can’t go into details now, but we will have a new, exciting retailer that will be carrying Cake in 2022 and 2023.” WorkWorkKumo aims to bring predictive AI to the enterprise with $18M in fresh capital “Companies spend millions of dollars storing terabytes of data but are able to effectively leverage only a fraction of it to generate the predictions they need to power forward-looking business decisions. The reason for this is major data science capacity gaps as well as the massive time and effort required to get predictions successfully into production,” Josifovski said. “We enable companies to move to a paradigm in which predictive analytics goes from being a scarce resource used sparingly into one in which it is as easy as writing a SQL query, thus enabling predictions to basically become ubiquitous — far more broadly adapted in use cases across the enterprise in a much shorter timeframe.” |