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The countries resisting remote work In some places, remote work just isn't as culturally sanctioned, hasn't been embraced by society or never caught on due to technological or logistical barriers. So, while many countries march head-first into a work-from-anywhere future, workers in locations including France or Japan are often returning to the office full-time, rejecting the notion that a five-day in-person work week is a relic of the past.
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WorkWork WorkWorkTo Get Results, the Best Leaders Both Push and Pull Their Teams Over the past year, there has been a call for leaders to be less demanding and more empathetic toward individual employees. To get results, managers needed to rely on pull giving employees a say in how they carry a task out and using inspiration and motivation to get them going. But an analysis of thousands of 360-degree assessments showed that the most effective leaders also know how to push drive for results by telling people what to do and holding them accountable. The takeaway? Your efforts to increase empathy shouldnt diminish your ability to, on occasion, push when needed. The data shows that it can be a strong force that builds confidence among employees. The key is to know when to use which approach, depending on the task, the timing, and the people. WorkWorkMagical Venice: The Hedonists Guide To Your Dreams About Italy "Harry Pickering, the American, was staying in Venice in 1929 with his aunt, who left him there. His funds quickly dwindled. The bartender, Giuseppe Cipriani, who worked at the Hotel Europa, where Harry was staying, lent him the sum of ten-thousand lira to help get him home. Two years later, Harry was back in Venice and reimbursed Cipriani four times the amount he gave him. Cipriani now had the money to realize his dream of opening his own bar. Inside an old rope-making factory...he opened [in 1931] what would eventually become the haunt of Ernest Hemingway, Orson Welles and Peggy Guggenheim." In 1948, Cipriani's Bellini was born, made with "Prosecco from the neighboring hills and the pulp of white peaches from Sant'Erasmo," continues Tournebize. "Its pink-orange hue conjured up the palette of artist Giovanni Bellini, a Venetian painter whose frescoes adorn the Frari and San Zaccaria churches â thus the name for the cocktail was found." The decor of Harry's Bar today has not been altered much since then â six leather-covered stools at the counter and approximately a dozen wooden tables in the dining room. Yet its international fame has grown exponentially. Cipriani and his family successfully broadened their talent for hospitality, establishing star-studded bars, restaurants and hotels in Venice and then across the United States. WorkWork WorkWorkLee Greenwood Pulls Out Of NRA Concert After Uvalde Shooting Cruz and other Republicans have accused Democrats of politicizing the tragedy by calling for stricter gun control measures as a result. There’s renewed pressure on Congress to pass legislation that would expand background checks for gun purchases. Two gun control bills have already passed in the House but stalled due to opposition from Senate Republicans, many of whom receive hundreds of thousands of campaign donations from gun lobbyists and the NRA. WorkHurdles to abortion will mount on remote U.S. territories without Roe You may click on “Your Choices” below to learn about and use cookie management tools to limit use of cookies when you visit NPR’s sites. This page will also tell you how you can reject cookies and still obtain access to NPR’s sites, and you can adjust your cookie choices in those tools at any time. If you click “Agree and Continue” below, you acknowledge that your cookie choices in those tools will be respected and that you otherwise agree to the use of cookies on NPR’s sites. WorkTed Cruz walks away from a reporter who asked why the U.S. has so many mass shootings You may click on “Your Choices” below to learn about and use cookie management tools to limit use of cookies when you visit NPR’s sites. This page will also tell you how you can reject cookies and still obtain access to NPR’s sites, and you can adjust your cookie choices in those tools at any time. If you click “Agree and Continue” below, you acknowledge that your cookie choices in those tools will be respected and that you otherwise agree to the use of cookies on NPR’s sites. Work2 major league teams use their social media to raise awareness about gun violence You may click on “Your Choices” below to learn about and use cookie management tools to limit use of cookies when you visit NPR’s sites. This page will also tell you how you can reject cookies and still obtain access to NPR’s sites, and you can adjust your cookie choices in those tools at any time. If you click “Agree and Continue” below, you acknowledge that your cookie choices in those tools will be respected and that you otherwise agree to the use of cookies on NPR’s sites. Work WorkWork WorkWorkHow to Generate Earned Media for Your Startup Ive heard the adage about all press being good press being twisted around to no press is good press, even bad press is good press, and my personal favorite, press is press. No matter how you slice it, media attention does command a certain measure of power. It drives attention, gets people talking, and [] WorkWorkWorkWhy Businesses Fail with Extinct Content Marketing Why Businesses Fail with Extinct Content Marketing Let me start by saying, that Im a Millennial. Now, I can only guess what youre thinking, Whats this job flip flopper know about the business world? I can understand that thought, but Im also one who understands technology and marketing in this highly digital age. I [] WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWork5 Secrets to Staying Stress-Free As a New Entrepreneur New entrepreneurs at some point or another have to come the stark realization that their future and livelihood, all depend on their ability to turn their ideas into profits. The thought and process of that can make some newbies cry themselves to sleep every night. If you enjoy what you do, you may be successful [] WorkWorkWork3 Steps to Help You Develop Your PESTLE Analysis If done correctly, PESTLE Analysis can become your greatest ally. If you follow our guide below, doing your PESTLE analysis will be an easy process. Weve developed a simple three-step guide that you can follow to create meaningful analyses and reports, no matter your industry. 1. Learn Your Categories The PESTLE Analysis contains six categories [] WorkWorkWorkCollege Enrollment Drops, Even as the Pandemics Effects Ebb The increase did not extend to Black students, according to a special demographic analysis by the clearinghouse, which found that Black freshman enrollment declined by 6.5 percent, or 2,600 students. In total, there were 8,400 fewer Black freshmen than in 2020. WorkU.S. to Begin Allowing Migrants to Apply for Asylum Under a New System Another of the limited options for requesting asylum at the southwest border is through a Trump-era program that allows certain migrants to apply for asylum while they wait in Mexico until a decision is rendered. The Biden administration tried to end that program, calling it inhumane, but a court ordered that it be restored. WorkTrump E.P.A. Chief Endangered Public Safety by Ordering His Drivers to Speed “It is almost a kick in the face,” said Mr. Chmielewski, 43, who said he has been unable to get a new job with the federal government or national political campaigns since he first went public with the allegations in 2018. He now works as a general manager of a restaurant near Ocean City, Md., earning less than a third of his former federal government wages. WorkWorkPolice Response to Uvalde Shooting Infuriated Parents Clinging to Hope Two officers provided cover, guns drawn, he said, and two others guided the children out on the sidewalk. “They were just all hysterical, of course,” he said. When he finally saw his 8-year-old daughter, Jayda, he said, he hugged her, but then kept moving the other children along. WorkWhy Republicans Wont Budge on Guns “It is a fundamental right for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves with firearms,” said the senator, who has an “A” grade from the N.R.A. “It is fundamental. It is exactly that. It is constitutional.” WorkWorkQ Mixers Debuts New, Non-Carbonated Mixers “People seem to love them,” he says. “I’ve heard people say ‘that’s the best Margarita mix I’ve ever had, the best Bloody Mary mix I’ve ever had. That’s when I knew this worked. I made it, and people love it, and that’s why I love what I do.” WorkJessica Ennis-Hill: Why I now train around my period \"I remember having those small conversations of, \'I\'m on my period, or I\'m bit tired, or I\'m not feeling 100%,\' but never feeling fully confident about having an open conversation about how I felt and how it was making me feel when I trained. WorkWorkSoaring fertiliser prices force farmers to rethink \"It actually changed the pH in our favour by about a percent,\" Ms Sharp reports. \"That\'s not going to take the place of a potash or a chicken litter, but it does take the sting out of the prices.\" WorkElectric car rapid charging costs soar, says RAC Melanie Shufflebotham, co-founder of Zap Map, said: \"More electric cars need to be produced at a mid-price range, with the cost of living crisis it\'s going to be really hard for many people to buy a new car but there are subscription models.\" WorkWorkBusiness confidence is falling, says Natwest boss And on the move away from its Scottish branding, she said Natwest remains proud of its Scottish heritage, banking one in three Scottish businesses, one in five households and one in seven Scottish mortgages, while being a major employer north of the border. WorkWorkSouthwest and JetBlue say second-quarter revenue will be higher than expected. Bad weather, air traffic control disruptions, understaffed vendors and coronavirus quarantines have resulted “in an operation that isn’t consistently up to the standards Delta has set,” Allison Ausband, the airline’s chief customer experience officer, said in a statement. Delta plans to cut about 100 daily flights from July through the first week of August, a 2 percent reduction in its schedule. WorkRetailers shares soar, pulling market higher, after solid earnings reports. “The retail business throughout Covid went up, down, sideways, depending on the products involved and the retailers’ capacity to pivot and service customers,” said Mark A. Cohen, the director of retail studies at Columbia Business School. Overall, he said, conditions would remain unpredictable: “Keep your seatbelt fastened and your helmet on, and be prepared for a bumpy ride.” WorkHow an Organized Republican Effort Punishes Companies for Climate Action On social media, Mr. Kirk was celebrated by some and derided by others. Top executives at the bank said his words did not reflect HSBC’s position. The Financial Times reported that Mr. Kirk had been suspended, pending an internal investigation, something HSBC would not confirm. In a LinkedIn post, Noel Quinn, HSBC’s group chief executive, repeated the bank’s commitment to combating climate change. WorkWho Is Protected Against Monkeypox? “If monkeypox were to establish itself in a wildlife reservoir outside of Africa, the public health setback would be enormous,” Dr. Rimoin said. “That, I think, is a legitimate concern.” WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWhat to know about the NRA's annual meeting in Houston Washington (CNN)The National Rifle Association is set to hold its 2022 annual meeting in Houston on Friday, bringing together its top brass and several notable conservatives, including former President Donald Trump, for the first time in three years. |