:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Stocksy_txp4545f4b2gjc300_Medium_22619021-34e851dcd3dc43b198d6b3dbc7af1ae6.jpg) | From the Editor's Desk
How Will AI Like ChatGPT Change Education for Our Children? These are some of the questions teachers, professors, and college deans have been asking themselves since November, when new technology called ChatGPT (short for chat generative pre-trained transformer, in case it ever comes up in a trivia game) debuted.
ChatGPT is a text-generating bot made by artificial intelligence lab Open AI, and it has quickly fascinated and terrified those who have tested it to see what it can do. Need a version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" written in the style of the Broadway musical Hamilton? Or a 500-word college essay explaining why a high school senior would want to attend the University of Pennsylvania? ChatGPT can produce surprisingly impressive versions of either in 30 seconds or less. It is a brave new world.
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WorkRussia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 372 of the invasion Russia loses 130 tanks in three-week Vuhledar battle; Zelenskiy adviser says Ukraine may withdraw from Bakhmut
WorkRomania PM unveils AI âadviserâ to tell him what people think in real time Ion's unveiling came as Romania and Moldova pledged on Wednesday to boost economic ties following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and Bucharest reiterated support for ChiÈinÄu's bid to join the European Union.
� � |  | � WorkWest presses UAE to clamp down on suspected Russia sanctions busting We use cookies and other data for a number of reasons, such as keeping FT Sites reliable and secure, personalising content and ads, providing social media features and to analyse how our Sites are used.
WorkHouse committee advances legislation to ban TikTok over security concerns “A US ban on TikTok is a ban on the export of American culture and values to the billion-plus people who use our service worldwide. We’re disappointed to see this rushed piece of legislation move forward, despite its considerable negative impact on the free speech rights of millions of Americans who use and love TikTok,” said a TikTok spokesperson. � |  | Work'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, U.S. intel finds A globe-spanning U.S. intelligence investigation has concluded it is "very unlikely" a foreign adversary is responsible for the "Havana syndrome" ailment that has afflicted U.S. diplomats, spies and other personnel worldwide, according to declassified findings released on Wednesday. Work
WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWork � |  | WorkWorkTaking Vitamin D Could Help Prevent Dementia Taking a vitamin D supplement daily may help stave off dementia in older adults, a new study reports. Researchers found taking vitamin D was associated with adults living dementia free for longer, and there were 40% fewer cases of dementia reported in those who frequently took vitamin D supplements. The effects were significantly greater in women than men. � |  | WorkWorkWorkWorkUS panel backs GSK vaccine, heating up RSV vaccine race A panel of outside advisers to the U.S. health regulator on Wednesday backed GSK Plc's respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, setting it up for a race with rival Pfizer to become the first approved U.S. shot against the disease. WorkWorkWorkWorkHow To Find The Right Product To Sell Choosing the right product to sell is instrumental to your success. Getting this first step right makes everything else that much easier. Things like marketing, finding the right demographic, looking for competitors, branding, etc., all become much clearer when you find the right product to sell. Luckily, technology has simplified things for us by [] WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkBeing Highly Sensitive Is A Superpower Highly sensitive people have tremendous gifts they are the worlds innovators, deep thinkers, and compassionate advisors. But HSP's are often told to hide being sensitive, or that sensitivity means they are weak or soft. This misguided thinking harms individuals, businesses and relationships. WorkWorkJapan corporate capex rises despite weaker profits Japanese companies raised spending on plant and equipment for a seventh straight quarter in the final three months of 2022, data released on Thursday showed, offering relief to policymakers counting on a private demand-led recovery from COVID. WorkWorkChicago mayor's race shows impact of crime in COVID's wake CHICAGO (AP) Four years ago, Paul Vallas finished toward the bottom of the pack in a crowded race for Chicago mayor. Trying again, focused this time on crime, he was the top vote getter Tuesday, toppling the incumbent mayor and advancing to an April runoff to lead one of the country's largest cities. WorkWorkWorkBillionaire Charlie Munger Reveals Why Berkshire Hathaway has an $88 Billion Pile of Cash For Investors: But for ordinary investors, it’s a different story. The world of startup investing — legally closed to everyday investors for decades — is now open to the masses. For example, RAD AI is the world’s first AI marketing platform built to understand emotion, and it’s already being used by some of the biggest companies in the world. The startup has already raised over $3.1 million from retail investors. WorkWorkWorkWorkOp-ed: Republicans vow not to cut Medicare, Social Security benefits in debt ceiling talks The moment to act is now, and Democrats\' failure to engage in meaningful dialogue about our unsustainable spending endangers the federal programs millions of America\'s seniors rely on now and benefits they expect in the future. For Washington Democrats to engage in politics as usual is manifesting the very crisis they claim they want to avoid. House Republicans are ready to negotiate in good faith. President Biden would do well to remember his past and do as he has done before: find a bipartisan, common-sense way to raise the debt ceiling and address Washington\'s spending habit. WorkTwo planets will appear to 'kiss' in the sky tonight | CNN A partial lunar eclipse of the hunter's moon on October 28 will be visible to those in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, parts of North America and much of South America. Partial eclipses occur when the sun, Earth and moon don't completely align, so only part of the moon passes into shadow. WorkOpinion: Ron DeSantis' new book offers a powerful warning to the US electorate | CNN Overall, I found the hectoring quality of DeSantis oppressive. He's a chilly man, with a heart of ice and â like so many politicians on both the right and left these days â full of resentments, grudges and the urge to destroy anyone who doesn't agree with him. The courage he claims for himself he would deny to many others. I shudder to think what he might do if handed the presidential bully pulpit. WorkOpinion: This 1965 killing remains an American tragedy | CNN Malcolm's death proved to be more than a tragedy, but also an enduring crime. The Shabazz family was deprived of a husband, father and now grandfather - and the world was robbed of a political leader who, at the time of his death, had been recognized internationally as Black America's prime minister. Malcolm X was a human rights activist who completed the hajj to Mecca, was greeted as El Hajj Malik El Shabazz by dignitaries, ambassadors and revolutionaries and who reveled in his belief that all people (including Whites who displayed political sincerity) could be part of the fundamental transformation the world required to flourish. WorkThe Comforts of Pan-Fried Tofu and Red Curry Paste For a nice break while your comforting chicken juk is simmering away in its pot, I recommend one of the exquisite short documentaries on Folkstreams. These independent films, hundreds of them and most under a half-hour, are about ordinary Americans living their lives. Each one is full of close observations and inspirations on topics like yodeling and Mardi Gras, although some of my favorites are the winsome adaptations of Grimms’ folk tales to American settings. The films, as the site says, “offer direct experience of unfamiliar worlds.” Sometimes that’s just what the doctor ordered. WorkWorkTikTok sets automatic one-hour screen time limit for teens TikTok parent ByteDance is facing a probe from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, also known as CFIUS, over national security concerns. The probe has been underway for years, since ByteDance acquired Musical.ly in 2017, but has accelerated in both scope and outside scrutiny in recent months. WorkArtificial intelligence like ChatGPT is on the brink of an 'iPhone moment' thanks to 'warp-speed' development, Bank of America says © 2023 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information | Ad Choices FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. WorkWorkThis climate-friendly fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk This story was updated on 1 March 2023. A previous version misstated what happens to unrecycled plastic in the US. Scientists estimate that more than a million tons of it end up in the environment each year. It is not known precisely how much of this plastic from the US winds up in the oceans. WorkBiden Challenged by Softening Public Support for Arming Ukraine “The problem is that the longer the war continues, the greater the risk that U.S. resolve will wane, no matter how much effort the president puts into convincing Americans to stay the course,” she said. “That’s why it’s so critical that the United States lean in now and help Ukraine end things militarily.” WorkWorkWorkMonday.com opens its APAC headquarters in Sydney The opening of monday.com’s APAC headquarters comes about a year after it opened its first European headquarters in London, with plans to increase its headcount there to as much as 150 over the next several years. WorkSesamm bags $37M to give corporates ESG insights using natural language processing Prior to now, Sesamm had raised around €15 million ($16 million), and with its latest cash injection — which it’s calling a Series B2 round — the startup ushers in a slew of new and existing investors, some of which are also customers. These include BNP Paribas’ VC arm Opera Tech Ventures, which co-led the round alongside VC firm Elaia; Carlyle Group; Unigestion; Raiffeisen Bank International’s VC off-shoot Elevator Ventures; AFG Partners, CEGEE Capital; and New Alpha Asset Management. WorkDoes web3 need a venture bailout now that AI has all the hype? We’ve touched on the matter before and even recently wondered how far off the unicorn death cliff is. Happily, we can bring our question concerning the terminal cash date for formerly richly valued startups and the changing genre focus of the venture market together this morning. |