Thursday, June 18, 2020

Virtual Event: Breakthrough to Success with Jack Canfield

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Dear Sir/Madam

Greetings from Right Selection

Join us for a 90 mins Virtual Candid Conversation with Jack Canfield on the secrets of  "Breakthrough to Success"

In this virtual event, you will learn:
  1. A system for success that never fails
  2. The number one thing that stops people from realizing their dreams
  3. The one thing you have to do to keep yourself in action doing what needs to be done to reach your goals
  4. The one daily discipline that almost all billionaires do
About Jack Canfield:

Jack Canfield has devoted his life and career to helping others achieve their personal definition of success and create lives of greater joy, meaning, and fulfillment.

His mission is to inspire and empower people to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy

Share your questions in advance for Jack Canfield- Reply to this email once you register

Webinar Details: Saturday, 20th June at 4 PM IST( 2:30 PM GST)
Investment: INR 500

Investment Includes: A Digital Certificate.

Do you have personal friends and work colleagues to whom you feel this topic would also be relevant. You have our permission to spread the word and they'll bless you for thinking about them. We'll be happy to have them join our special session.

Warm Regards
Gautam Ganglani

Click on the image below to register for the next virtual event

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